APPCIOS runs webinars to help towards full membership, for its own training programmes, and for CPD. All webinars are run by fully qualified APPCIOS members.
View our current list of webinars here...
Discussion Groups
Discussion Groups or Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are open to everyone - but you will need to take out a free account on the Community Site first. Just follow this link.
All our discussion groups are free - although some ask for a voluntary donation to APPCIOS - and they are all run by fully qualified members. You need to apply to join the group by emailing the convenor. A link is provided on the information page of each group.
Discussion Groups
View our current list of discussion groups here...
The library is open to all visitors to the APPCIOS community website and it contains a growing range of material. This includes links to relevant material in the public domain, and articles or papers by members of the organisation.
If you would like to contribute an article of your own, please get in touch; and if you feel you would like some help please apply to join the Library Help Desk group
Access the library here...
Supervision and Therapeutic Supervision
These are provided by full members and charged at individual rates agreed with each supervisor and therapist. A full list of members qualified and willing to offer such supervision will shortly be available on our website.
Mentoring and Peer Support
New members who enter at Associate Member and Senior Associate level will be allocated a mentor.
Full members will be part of a reciprocal collegial mentoring programme and be offered an opportunity to join on-line Special Interest Groups (SIGs).