Membership benefits & responsibilities

APPCIOS is a young and developing organisation. It has been in existence for just a few years.  We rely on our members to contribute to its development and direction, and we aspire to provide them with a virtual home to support them in their working lives.  Members can train with us to become BPC registrants.  To learn more about our trainings follow this link

Our members fall into three groups.

  • We welcome associate and senior associate members who want to develop or deepen their understanding of psychodynamic thinking, and use it to support their work with vulnerable clients.
  • We welcome other experienced practitioners who have not previously held a recognised psychoanalytic qualification.
  • We also welcome established psychoanalytic clinicians with a particular interest in organisational work.

Our associate and senior associate members are entitled to mentoring sessions (one per term, lasting approximately one hour) to support them on their journey to full membership. They can contact their mentor to discuss any membership queries, and to help them to plan a bespoke portfolio of experiential learning. This is a free service: if they decide they need more support, their mentor can help them find a supervisor or therapeutic supervisor from among our full members.  Senior associate members also contribute to the mentoring programme.

Our full members enjoy the collegiality of discussion with other members mostly by meeting via Zoom or Skype. They also contribute to the running of APPCIOS in a variety of ways:  they work to provide webinars, support and supervision for our other members, and to co-ordinate thinking spaces that can be tailored to their needs.

All members are charged an annual fee of £60.

With the support of our partner organisations, we are currently building a new Learning and Community Site which will provide facilities for networking, special interest groups and ongoing discussions, as well as CPD and other learning opportunities.  Once our Community Site has been launched, it will function as a virtual home, as well as a virtual campus.  We expect all our members to help us to make it a sustaining and stimulating meeting place for all psychodynamic thinkers.

We work with the BPC, to lobby on behalf of psychodynamic practice generally, and within organisations in particular.

We send out regular newsletters to members, friends and supporters to publicise our work.   Sign up to our mailing list to receive more information.

Full members are listed on our website, and are eligible for inclusion in the register of the British Psychoanalytic Council for an additional fee.  (Please note that unless you are also a member of the BPC your membership cannot be clinically “accredited”.   For full accredited membership, you must also take out membership of the BPC.)

Organisational accreditation and training

APPCIOS can accredit your training.  Whether you are an established training organisation or a new provider, we can help you write or enhance your bespoke training programmes to meet APPCIOS criteria. We would be very pleased to hear from you.

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APPCIOS events

Take a look at the webinars we offer and view upcoming events from our partner organisations.

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In so many ways transformative professionally but also, personally, something of a lifeline for me.
Webinar Participant

Help us to recruit new members…

If you know of anyone who would benefit from APPCIOS membership, please ask them to contact us at


Make a donation

If you are able to help us, either financially or by offering some spare time, please let us know by contacting